
野瀬栄進バラード特集120分•EISHIN NOSE 120 minutes of Ballad


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EISHIN NOSE 120 minutes of Ballad

1 Kuba   (acmusic001 Here Now Hear, 2001)
2 Burning Blue (acmusic002 Burning Blue, 2006)
3 Sense of Wonder (acmusic002 Burning Blue, 2006)
4 Inside out of Dream (acmusic003 Inside out dream, 2009)
5 The Gate (acmusic004 The Gate, live in New York, 2010)
6 Waiting   (acmusic005 Waiting, 2011)
7 Vulnerable (acmusic005 Waiting, 2011)
8 The Lure (acmusic006 Solo Concert Sapporo Concert Hall Kitara, 2012)
9 Hope   (acmusic006 Solo Concert Sapporo Concert Hall Kitara, 2012)
10 Moon River   (acmusic006 Solo Concert Sapporo Concert Hall Kitara, 2012)
11 Kuba   (acmusic007 The Gate, live in Shibuya, 2013)
12 Mangekyo (acmusic008 The Gate Japan Tour 2011-2012, 2013)
13 Ibuki   (acmusic011 Pico Pico, 2015)
14 Kuba 2 (acmusic011 Pico Pico, 2015)
15 Quiet Blue Snow (acmusic012 Heaven’s Dream 2016)
16 Tickling Ivory (acmusic012 Heaven’s Dream 2016)
17 You Think, You Feel (acmusic012 Heaven’s Dream 2016)
18 Nostalgia Otaru (acmusic012 Heaven’s Dream 2016)
19 Ange   (acmusic013 Uncertain Landscape 2017)
20 Tokyo Lullaby (acmusic014 Solo in Tokyo ”Harmonics” 2020)

All compositions by Eishin Nose
except Moon River

detail for the albums

selected this tunes by EISHIN NOSE in 11/29/2020

  • お支払い方法について

¥3,800 税込
