
Solo in TOKYO "Harmonisc" DVD

¥4,300 税込

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2020年発売のアルバム Solo in TOKYO "Harmonics"のDVD。

whatever 2とno name flower, haiku以外すべて即興演奏です。
no name flower, haikuはモチーフだけ書いたもの、
whatever 2 だけあらかじめメロディーをすべて書いてある曲です。

This was recorded for a radio broadcast
“MUSIC BIRD” at Tokyo FM in 2018.

It was fully improvised music in real time, unedited.

Recording at Tokyo FM Studio IRIS, 4.8.2018 and .5.13.2018

Chef engineer : Osamu Kawashima(Tokyo FM)

Assistant engineer : Masato Maruyama(Media Communications)

Mixing and mastering : Katsu Naito, 4.26.2019
Jacket art and design : Koichi Tominuki(ROOTS)

Video editing : Eigo Nakamura

All Free improvisations and compositions : ÉISHIN NOSÉ

Improvisation part 1
00:43 1 right before spring/haruno kizashi
05:12 2 where am I?
08:02 3 flashy
09:19 4 whatever 2018
13:40 5 haiku
17:30 6 spring has come/春が来た
20:39 7 spring breeze/春風
23:18 8 dark bamboo forest
24:59 9 3:3:2
27:10 10 morning ghost
29:50 12 harmonics
35:35 13 short monk
36:21 14 afternoon ghost
38:07 15 tokyo blues
41:35 16 tokyo walking
43:11 17 spiral staircase
45:34 18 contemplation
51:32 19 bamboo forest 2
54:16 20 no name flower
56:40 21 no name flower 2
59:48 22 nezumi
1:02:27 23 paperwork
1:04:36 24 typewriter
1:06:10 25 close

Improvisation part 2
1:07:20 26 starting again また始まる
1:12:01 27 tokyo night walking 東京夜散歩
1:13:54 28 a little busy now  ちょいと忙しい
1:14:43 29 take a break now ちょっと一息
1:16:58 30 nou 能
1:19:37 31 following
1:22:48 32 like a water flow
1:24:00 33 shifting
1:28:08 34 cross hand 3
1:28:38 35 playground
1:29:13 36 one rhythm
1:31:46 37 whatever 2

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¥4,300 税込
